You need to write to the finance company - not the seller.
It’s best to email or write to the seller - you can use a template letter. You can usually find a seller’s complaints procedure on their website - make sure you follow it when you complain. Step 1 - make a formal complaintīefore contacting the seller, check if they have an official complaints procedure. If you bought something from a website, like Amazon, Etsy or eBay, you should check the seller’s details to find out where they’re based. If you’re not sure whether you’ve bought something from abroadĬheck if a company is based in the UK on GOV.UK, if you’re not sure. If you’ve done this and aren’t getting anywhere, you can get advice from the UK International Consumer Centre on the UKICC website. If you bought something using PayPal or a card, check our advice on getting your money back. You should use this to tell the seller about the problem.
Many websites, including Amazon, Etsy and eBay, have their own complaints procedure or dispute resolution service. You should check the seller’s terms and conditions to find out how to complain. Your rights might be different if you bought something from abroad. If you bought something from a company based outside the UK You must follow step 1 before you do anything else. There are steps you can take if you’ve approached a business seller about a problem with a product or service and you’re not getting anywhere.